

It's that time of year.


You're probably being bombarded with $19.99 gym membership offers, articles on how to drop 15lbs quick and easy, and, of course, the "magic pill" that melts fat and builds rock-hard muscle all while you sit on your ass and eat whatever you want.

As a coach and gym owner, it's an incredibly frustrating time. So let's just clear some things up and then we can move in to the good stuff.

The pushers of these promos don't really give a damn whether you actually use their product or service. They just want you to purchase it. As far as they're concerned, they would actually prefer that you purchase the product or service, take your hand, pat yourself of the back for a job well done, and then continue to do nothing. 

They are in the biz of providing the carrot that dangles in front of you as you "try really, really hard" to reach your goals. They know that you will get temporary fulfillment from taking that first step towards achieving your goals. On the flipside, they also know that the vast majority of you will fall off the wagon for one reason/excuse or another.

"I just don't have the time."
"Working out is hard."
"Eating healthy is expensive."
"I don't have anyone to push me."
"I don't know what I'm doing."

I could go on and on but I'll spare you.

Look, we all know that this time of year is littered with shiny promises of a better body and all with little to no work involved. We know this is bullshit. There is no easy way to achieve a goal. It takes work. Period.

But even that's not enough. You see, the reason so many people fail is because they have not found a important enough reason to make the achievement of this goal a MUST. 

Let's just dig in to that a bit. How many times have you heard someone say that they really should workout more? Or that they should eat healthier? Does that strike you as being a powerful proclamation? Nope.

"Should's" are weak and provide an out when things get shitty. On the other hand, stating that you MUST workout more, or that you MUST improve your nutrition is a different animal. Stating and truly believing that you MUST accomplish something let's your brain know that it's time to get serious. Mentally, you have just burned the boats and the only way you come out of this endeavor is victorious or dead.

The reason I'm sharing this with you is so that you can go into 2016 with some ammo. Look, I would rather people just not make resolutions if it's going to be a "should" rather than a MUST. I know how bad it sucks to set sights high and then fall short. It's a shitty feeling and one that can often lead to a wicked downward spiral of let-downs.

So, as you contemplate what to shoot for in 2016, ask yourself how bad do you really want it? Is it a weak-ass "should", or do you have enough gusto to make it a MUST?


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Every (good) coach will encourage you to set your aim high and strive for the things that you're not quite sure are possible. After all, that's one major aspect of our job. We are here to guide and push you to do things that we know you're capable of - even if you don't.

But, it's also important to keep your expectations realistic. Often times, high-drive individuals look to accomplish remarkable tasks in an even more remarkable time frame. Sometimes it works out and good things happen. Other times, you are met with the cold, hard truth that it's just not going to happen like you thought it would. 

This brings to mind one of my favorite quotes:

"Everybody's got a plan 'til they get punched in the mouth." -- Mike Tyson

It's a tricky line to walk. Staying realistic, but yet shooting for the stars. I don't claim to have the cure-all for this. I'm merely suggesting that you monitor this balance when you find yourself having success, as well as when you are met with disappointment. These two occurrences are simply opportunities to check-in with yourself and ask the big questions. 

Like most topics covered on this blog, it really all just boils down to being conscious to what's going on and then making the appropriate adjustments on fly so that you maintain positive momentum OR slowing negative momentum in an effort to turn the tide.

In either case, consciousness is the key. After that, it's all just work.

Taking Action

I'm sitting in sweat-soaked clothes as I type this because I've reached a breaking point.  It's become so apparent to me that I have been a lazy bag of shit in regards to blogging on a fairly regular basis.  This is unacceptable. 

It's not that I think I have an immense amount of information that MUST be acknowledged by others, but rather the fact that I really enjoy writing.  In fact, despite my uncertainty of what punctuation goes where and when, I love to write.  I always have.  I find that it's my way of getting what's in my head out.  Not to mention the fact that I have been playing in this strength game for some time now, and I do have some (In my opinion) valuable information that may help others succeed.

So, as I drove home from the gym after getting annihilated by one of Coach Nick Mounce's "The Grind" workouts, I realized that I have to get back to writing - for me, for the biz, and for the enjoyment of it.  I guess it may have been all of those endorphins rushing through my system after getting my face kicked in by the AirDyne, but I knew I had to walk right in and type something, anything and post it.

You see, two of the most valuable lessons I have ever learned apply to this scenario and to many others that you and I will undoubtedly face in our lifetime:

1. People tend to do more to avoid pain than they will to achieve pleasure.

2. If you set a goal, you never leave the site of that decision without taking MASSIVE ACTION.

Pretty important shit right there.

Let's recap, shall we?

I was so fed up with my laziness (Pain) that I had to change something, fast!  On the drive home I decided that I must get back on this (Goal was set).  I knew that if I was going to be successful I had to type this out ASAP (Take Massive Action).

I hope this isn't too much too soon, but it had to happen.  I think that this is something that will not only help me get my ass in to gear, but it's something that could assist you with getting you on the right track towards the successful accomplishment of some of your goals and/or areas that cause you pain.

In any case, for better or worse, you can expect to see more content flowing from out of my head and on to your screen.....that is if you can stand my punctuation free-for-all.