

I think we can all agree that the push-up and bench press are both some of the most commonly performed movements in the gym. And, if we're being honest, most people need to spend more time working on their "pushups" and less time worrying about how many plates they load on the bar - but maybe that's just me.

In either case, we all know (at a fundamental level) that you need to be able to properly position your body and activate the appropriate muscle groups to get the most our of each rep. Unfortunately, many people go into auto-pilot and do the same ole' shitty movement for every rep only ingraining poor patterns. Being conscious while performing seemingly simple movements is incredibly important and often neglected.

In an effort to assist y'all in your quest for better movement and bigger numbers, I spent a little bit of time in front of the camera explaining a very simple concept that I think will really help y'all out when performing any type of horizontal press. Check it out below and let me know if you find it valuable. 


Starting in February (2/3/17) TCS will host the Women's Weightlifting Crew on the first Friday of every month. This is open to any female in the area who loves to pick shit up and put it down. Strongman, powerlifting, olympic lifting, "gymnastical" shit....everything is up for discussion. Myself and Coach Mary D from the Strictly Strength side of the gym will be leading these workouts. 

If you are familiar with TCS, Travis hosts "Lumberjacked" for the dudes once a month. This is the same - but better for obvious reasons.

WWC is open to any fitness level. You could be starting out day 1 - or be competing in the Olympics. We don't care, and neither should you. This is about getting together with other strong women and doing what we love: Lifting heavy shit in any way possible. 

Sign ups are HERE. Look on the class calendar each month for the announced Friday night for the WWC. 


Coach Nyki Helmcamp has created Sigma Gymnastics - a fresh, new spin on the earliest form of strength training. This program provides 6 athletes the opportunity to take your training and body development to another level! Beginning in January 2015, Nyki will be opening Sigma Gymnastics right here at Travis County Strength.

What existed as the premiere form of strength training before all the iron and innovative products hit the scene was straight up bodyweight strength. To develop supreme bodyweight strength is to develop ultimate brawn and vitality, grip, stamina, tendon and joint strength, balance, coordination, inhuman discipline and grit as well as control.

Using Mother Nature’s perfect level of resistance, our own bodyweight, we will progressively apply principles to become stronger by manipulating positions and adjusting leverage points. There is no individual who is either too weak nor too strong to begin this program and that is the beauty. Where ever you are in your training there is progress to be made with this program!

You will find more details in the following weeks here, as well as on Coach Nyki Helmcamp's blog -

Get Ready to PLAY!

New Toys! And Why.

As things develop here at Travis County Strength, one thing that you'll notice is all the new stuff we have to do "fun activities" with!  The methods that we use to develop mental and physical strength require a wide range of tools.  

We do NOT specialize.  
We do NOT periodize.  
We simply WORK.

For some of you out there, the idea of not having a 12-month training plan with mirco-cycles and transition phases is blasphemy.  I get it.  The notion that each and every day that you enter TCS your one and only job is to work hard is crazy.  That's OK.....we are kinda crazy....  

You see, every single day that you and I walk this earth, we face new stimuli in unique combinations.  To simplify: Every day is completely different and unique.  The same can be said for the demands that are placed on you.

So, if you agree....which I think you probably do...Why would you then schedule, plan, set-up, complicate something so simple as WORK?  The only answer I'll accept is that you are a specialist, in which case, continue on your way.  Otherwise, you have been mislead.

Of course, all of this is my opinion, which you can agree with or completely discount - either is fine, really.  I bring this up only to present some compelling questions that (hopefully) get you thinking about what you're doing and why you're doing it.

In the mean time, we'll be having one helluva time working hard and challenging ourselves in as many unique scenarios as we can possibly think of - Just so we're ready for whatever tomorrow brings our way. 

Besides showing off our super sweet new farmers handles, I wanted to share this as an example of the "Train by Braille" mentality that we base our work on.  This was completely impromptu....and one helluva good workout!