
Tell It Like It Is

Apparently, by deciding to not watch the Super Bowl game I forfeited my right to be one of the first billion people to see this amazing commercial. But while watching the 40th Anniversary of SNL I was able to catch back up.

The point of this post is not the TV shows or what was watched and what wasn't. Rather it's about a great commercial delivering a powerful message(s) that everyone should receive. So, really, I'm just doing my part by sharing this so that maybe a couple others may take this in.

Enjoy and Apply.

I Got A Fever....

This will make more sense later on, but do you see what I did there?! HA! 

Alright, alright....enough with the bad jokes. Let's get in to this one so y'all can enjoy the rest of your day.

I may just be me, but it seems as thought complexes have become a little more "mainstream" as of late - which is great! It may have something to do with the increasing popularity of this f*cking freak - Dmitry Klokov - and the crazy shit he's been doing with some insane weight.

Here's just one example of the silliness.... 

Forget about the music and bust out your calculators....this is 205kg.... x 2.2....that's 451lbs that he's tossing around!!! Notice that this complex is done without dropping the bar or adjusting the grip in any unnecessary way. That's really what makes a complex a complex....It's a collection of movements that are performed in an unbroken fashion. 

Now, for an important question....WHY?

What is the benefit of complexes? Besides the obvious fact that you are performing actual exercises designed to build detail that is often forgotten is TIME UNDER TENSION. Simply put, you are under the load of whatever you're moving for an extended period of time, which is a great way to stress your system into moving faster, performing movements more aggressively and ultimately stressing your system into adapting to all of these factors by packing on muscle and building strength. All good things!

The only downside to complexes is that you must already possess solid technique of the movements you are including in the complex. If the technique is not there in one or more of your chosen movements, the entire outcome of the complex will suffer and the truly shitty nature (in a good way) of these will not become as apparent. 

Other than that, complexes are truly potent tools that can be used to become better at ALL things. It's also an amazing way to pack in a lot of work into a small amount of time.....also a major plus!

Now, as I mentioned in the beginning of this whole thing.....complexes having seemingly become more popular. Again, this is awesome and all, but everyone that I've seen has been performed with a barbell. Now it's my turn to ask.....WHY?

As I've mentioned before in several blogs prior to this one, barbell are a convenient, neat way to move weight, but how many times in your life are things so neatly set up and presented to you as a loaded barbell? My guess would be that it's probably a rarity.

So, this is where I make my argument that you might consider utilizing the potent nature of complexes, but apply a certain amount of "real-life" to the situation by using odd objects.

Hopefully you can see that this would be a great way to build your strength and conditioning in a way that will better prepare you for what you might actually encounter in your day-to-day life.

Not to mention, the extra effort that odd objects require of an individual will surely add an extra dose of spiciness to an already spicy workout scenario -- Always a good thing, right?!

Now, because I'm such a big fan of complexes, I've decided to start a weekly series of COWs: Complex Of the Week. I will share whatever crazy combo I come up with for the week, and post it up right here on the blog so that you can give it shot wherever it is that you workout. 

I think this will be fun, cool way to reach out and connect with some of you that may not have the chance to workout at TCS, and not to mention, a great way to introduce and implement an outstanding training tool into your program or routine.

I would really love it if those of you that decide to take on the COW would post your results and general thoughts and experiences in the comments section. I don't know.....I think this could be pretty damn cool!

In any case, this is COW #1. And as we've already covered, this one is without the use of the barbell, but rather some dumbbells. Before I turn you loose, the dumbbells definitely make things a little more difficult. If you need to, break this 15min workout into thirds and try to increase the load every 5 minutes. I think this would be the best course of action, but it's just my suggestion. Be smart and work hard! Simple as that. Enjoy!

Guest Blog #2 - Crystal Bold

As promised, we are continuing our weekly "Guest Blog" - especially after seeing how so many of y'all enjoyed Coach Nyki Helmcamp's post last week.

This week we are giving the floor to Coach Crystal Bold. Not only does Crystal possess a wealth of knowledge in the coaching realm, but she also has a vast understanding of nutrition and overall health and holistic well-being.

To be truly honest, TCS and the surrounding local gyms that host her nutrition lectures are incredibly lucky to have such expertise so easily accessible to us and our communities.

With all of that being said, I asked Crystal to write a quick blog focused on what she will be covering in this Friday night's Nutritional Basics w/ Crystal Bold, NTP.

I think that there are a lot of misconceptions of what is actually covered and discussed during these nutrition seminars, so this is meant to clear up any preconceived ideas that we will be forcing you to follow some starvation diet, or count calories, or jam supplements down your throat. That's not really our style...

It's very, very simple:

This is an introduction to holistic health and how to start making informed decisions so as to live your life at the highest quality. But enough from me. Here's Crystal's post:

Killing yourself in the gym and not getting the results you want? We like to think that if we just work HARDER we will get the results we want with little regard to what we are fueling our body with and how much rest and sleep we get. Ironically, it doesn't matter how hard you work but how SMART you are with your dietary, lifestyle and training choices. What most people want is to be happy, feel good with no aches and pains, move well, sleep well, love the skin they're in, perform well in the gym, and enjoy life.

For the past 6 years, I have taught nutrition to thousands of people in several locations in the United States, Europe and the U.K. Over this time I have come full circle on what my thoughts are on how to guide others to be healthier and happier individuals through simple yet effective dietary and lifestyle changes. This Friday at 6pm at Travis County Strength, I want to share with you how to make those changes starting as soon as you walk out the door.

Whether you are a person that is knowledgeable in nutrition or have no idea what the difference between a carbohydrate or protein, I guarantee you will walk away with at least one new piece of information that is going to make a difference in your health. We will be covering everything from the importance of digestion, blood sugar handling, what food to eat, symptoms to look out for and what those mean, how I make this work for my lifestyle, stories of how my clients live, and much, much more!

The goal of this nutrition seminar is to bring helpful information to everyone at a price that is affordable (only $15 online/$25 at the door; ages 18 and under are FREE!). This is completely open to the public so bring a friend or family member. I hope to see you there!