Nick Mounce


Given the success of the last TCS competition - Heavy Metal - Coach Nick Mounce has decided to give his Strongman-specific program a new look that I think many of you out there will really like.

Essentially, these new HEAVY METAL Saturdays will have an education/skill practice portion that will then be applied to a true Strongman workout(s). To put it will learn - then apply. Needless to say, the variations are limitless so you'll have to be ready for anything.


Movements Include:

  • Tire Flips
  • Truck Pulls
  • Heavy Drags & Pushes
  • Farmers Carry
  • Keg Cleans
  • Strongman Log
  • Stone Shouldering/Loading
  • Yoke Walks & Carries
  • Car Deadlifts
  • Odd Object Carries
  • Sandbag Fun
  • Grip Strength Work
  • And More!

HEAVY METAL Saturdays --- The Details: 

  • Class runs from 10-11am two Saturdays each month
  • Capped @ 8 Athletes
  • Class Fee = $40 

Your first chance to get in on HEAVY METAL is this Saturday!


TCS Strongman Seminars Explained Through A Mathematic Equation

By: Nick Mounce (not a mathematician)

It has been awhile since my last contribution to the tcs blog. This post has been swimming around my head for six weeks or so. That normally means one of two things. Either I’ve finally figured out what I’m trying to say or it means I’ve spent way too much time with the circus in my head and this is going to a damn disaster. Fun thing is we get to find out together. Let’s go.

We have been holding Strongman seminars at TCS twice a month for about a year now. Some months more, some less, but that is about the average. Every one of them plays out the exact same way at their base. That is why and how I came up with this equation. There is no magic to this (it would be a lot cooler if there was). I’m going to write this out and then break it down the best I can. So let’s get to it.

 P+C = K
SA = $$$

What does any of this mean and how does it relate to strongman lifts? Let’s define what each letter and symbol represent then how they relate to each other and the strongman lifts.

  • P = practice
    • We spend about ½ an hour on each implement during the class. Cleaning up any flaws in positioning, technique, or approach to the lift / movement.
  • C = coaching
    • Pretty self-explanatory. Although I should mention that we keep the seminars capped to 6. So you get individual attention.
  • K = confidence
    • I know it starts with a C.
  • Δ = (delta) change / change in
  • SA = speed and aggression
    • This is the speed and aggressiveness that you use on the lifts / movements.
  •  $$$ = the new piece of heavy shit you just moved.
    • (Just imagine something way more badass there.)

There it is in all of its glory. Some practice plus coaching will give you more confidence in the strongman lifts. With this newfound confidence you will see a change in the speed and aggression on these lifts (drum roll). With more speed and aggression you will move more weight… a lot more weight.  

So if you are stuck on a certain stone, keg, log, yoke, sandbag weight and feel like you could do more or want to just get your hands on this awesome equipment a little more I know a place.

This month we are hosting two seminars. The dates, times and what is being covered at each is listed just below.

1) Jan. 10th @ 10-1130am

  • Kegs (loading, shouldering, pressing)

  • Stones (loading, shouldering)

  • Tire Flips

2) Jan 24th @ 10-1130am

  • Log (clean, press, viper press)

  • Yoke Walk

  • Pinch Grip & Farmers Carry

  • *Car Deadlift (our version of the movement)*

    • If time allows

So Much Talk - by Coach Nick Mounce


-Nick Mounce-

The normal cast of characters start to pour in for coach Rick’s 4 pm class at Tanya’s Country Store. As they trickle in the athletes work on warming up and mobilizing for the days class. The energy is good. Everyone sharing stories about their upcoming weekend plans, how sore they are from the previous days work and how they are glad that there is no air dyne written on the white board. A pretty normal pre class scene.

The clock rolls over to 4:00 and then the wheels start to wobble a bit. They don’t fly off, not yet, it starts with a wobble. “Alright it’s 4, everybody ready?” Coach Rick calls out. Three people jump up to go use the bathroom, two more run to their bags to chug the last of their pre-workout concoction and one person is left staring blankly at the whiteboard trying to figure out which part will be the hardest.

A few minutes pass, everyone returns and the class starts up. A little dynamic warm-up followed by some foundation work to get the body moving and to work out any kinks. When that is finished the coach calls everyone over to the white board to go over the first workout.

EMOM X 10:

Before the explanation can begin one of the athletes needs to check Instagram and another updates their facebook status. Two folks walk off and grab dumbells and a 16” box. This is where the classes wheels have begin to fly off. The chance of it turning into a complete shit show is almost guaranteed. Coach Nick, oops I mean Rick, stands at the white board full on mouth breathing and wide eyed trying to make sense of what he was seeing. “where did it all go wrong?” He thought. “If I wrote the workout on the white board and put a chicken up here to coach and explain it would they notice?” Then Coach Rick snaps out of it and begins to use his “OUTSIDE” voice. He rips into the people who walked off to grab dumbbells and calls out the IG and FB people. Some people laugh at being called out others think “damn I wish I had a chicken for a coach. We could chase him around the gym. Hell, if I caught him I could wring it’s neck and cook it up real nice. Mmmmmmmmmm chicken.”

Now that everyone is at the white board the workout is explained and the work begins. The rest of class goes beautifully. Everyone PR’s everything. Then, to celebrate they all go on the roof to look at a rainbow and sing “Lean On Me”.

OK, story time is over. The point I’m trying to make, other then highlighting some of my pet peeves, is that effective communication and understanding is vital for athletes and coaches.

For athletes, don’t assume that you know what the coach wants from just what they have written on the white board. Do they want you to use a heavy kettle bell? Do they want steady working pace or an all out sprint every round? All those questions and more are normally explained when everyone is at the white board. If something isn’t covered please ask. There are no stupid questions……….. Except the one where you ask something that was already covered and you didn’t hear it because you were talking about a hilarious cat video you saw on FB. That shit causes instant mouth breathing and the urge to shove a white board maker into my eye.

This next part is just for coaches, so if you are not a coach this where you stop reading. Bye thanks for reading the blog I hope you like it. Ok bye now...

...Alright coaches now that we are alone I’ve got something for us too. In the story I made the athletes out to be the assholes. Oh you grabbed dumbells hahahahahahahaha. I’m going to admit something since we are in the coaching trust tree. Sometimes I’m the asshole. Sometimes I take for granted when I’m coaching experienced athletes that I don’t need to go into a movement, lift, or workout. “Demo a deadlift for an athlete that’s been lifting with me for 3 years? He knows what he’s doing.” Then you watch some crap that he wanted to “try”. I know class size, experience level of the athletes and time limits will dictate what you can and can’t do. I’m just saying don’t assume everyone knows how to do a burpee. We can help people become healthier, stronger and live happier lives. And with better communication we can all help each other become less of an asshole.

What is Strength [by Jen Shaw]

What is strength?

by Jen Shaw
Creator and Head Coach of LIFT

How much do you snatch?  Does it really matter? Is that really going to help you get away from an intruder? Pull a loved one out of a fire? Carry someone a far distance in an emergency situation? Yeah, I does help. However not all problems you are faced with come in tight pretty little packages with time to set up and get chalk, as Trav says. When shit hits the fan, you do as your adrenaline says and fucking move. You might think that is over the top..but I assure you it is not. 

Working out and being strong will allow you to be that person that can help save your family, be the reliable force that others know will be able to get you out of whatever shit hole you have put yourself in. Working with odd objects will allow you to do these things. Now let me be clear, in order to work with odd objects you have to press, deadlift, and squat. Otherwise you have a back that is as strong as cotton candy. And ain't nobody got time for that!

Logs, stones, kegs, yoke and sleds. They are difficult, odd, hard. Oh is anything that is worth pursuing. Learning to use this equipment will make you the strongest version of yourself, and make the barbell seem easy! 

On the 24th Coach Nick Mounce will be heading up a class focusing on some of these objects. If you think I am just full of it, come on and sign up. Prove me wrong. Better bring your strong back though.




Introducing RuckFit


Some of you may heard recently that I....yes, me - "Mr. Cardio" did a Go Ruck Challenge a couple weekends ago.  If you know what Go Ruck is all about, I know you're very impressed, given my admittedly neglected oxidative/aerobic system.  If you haven't heard of Go probably have some questions.

I would first encourage you to follow this Go Ruck Challenge link to watch the video and discover what it's all about. 


As for my experience, I will briefly say that the GR Challenge is an outstanding way to test yourself.  It's not about moving the fastest, lifting the most, or any of the traditional attributes fitness-minded individuals seek.  It's a grind.  It's a mental and physical grind that tests your will - your mental toughness - more than your physical strength or ability to perform cardio-based work.  It also demands that you let go of selfishness and rather focus on the man or women to the right and left.  It's also about team.  Talk about value....

If you know anything about me or the way I coach my athletes, you know that I value a strong mind more than a strong body.  Both can be built and strengthened, but when it's all said and done - The mind dictates the body.

This is exactly why I decided to do this GR Challenge with my friend and fellow coach, Nick Mounce.  It was a way to test ourselves in a new way.  And I gotta say, I loved every second of that grind - both the training leading up to the Challenge and the Challenge itself.

Our participation in this Challenge was also a fact-finding mission.  We wanted to see, first-hand, what this was all about before we unveiled RuckFit!


Coach Nick Mounce, a former Marine and former Firefighter, knows what it is to train hard for a job - a mission.  He's obviously had a unique perspective that will prove extremely valuable to you as your prepare for your very own Go Ruck Challenge.

Coach Nick is very excited to kickstart this Go Ruck training program and has put together a brief description of what the RuckFit is all about....

A 12 week course focused on getting athletes ready to tackle a Go Ruck challenge. Two class times will be offered on Saturday morning. Athletes can choose to attend the 630am or 10am class. Classes will last between 1.5 and 2 hours. The focus will be on strength-based endurance training. Special attention will be paid to nutrition, mobility and recovery work.  Athletes will need to have a ruck or backpack capable of carrying 35-45 pounds.

The class fee of $450 includes the registration fee($90) for the challenge held in Austin on April 11th. Also included is an exclusive class t-shirt and custom patch that will be designed by and produced for the athletes that take on this challenge.

**$450 minus $90 Registration = $360
That's $30 per 2hr. class!
Not too bad for A LOT of Rucking Fitness!**

Class size is limited to the first 6 people that sign up. No time to sit on the fence. Act quickly or miss this opportunity to challenge and apply your fitness.  If you're looking for a Challenge to kick start 2014 we have got you covered -- RuckFit class 1A.

• Registration for the April 11 Go Ruck Challenge in Austin ($90 value) is included

• 12 training sessions focused on increasing athletes endurance through strength work

• Special attention paid to Mobility and Recovery

• Nutrition for pre, post and during the challenge

• Gear/Equipment reviews and recommendations

• Proper loading of Ruck for efficient carry

• Class-specific t-shirt

• Custom class patch

• You never forget your first Ruck
(challenge that is)

If you have any questions feel free to contact me at or 512-560-7053
If you're ready to take on the Challenge

** SIGN UP **