
Everything is a Skill - by Nyki H

If you didn't already know, Travis County Strength - and specifically LIFT - has a relatively new face leading classes. Coach Nyki Helmcamp, has been an awesome addition to an already stellar team here at TCS, and we thought that it would be cool to have "Guest Blogs" from other coaches so that you get the chance to hear their voice and get a vibe on their styles.

In this first of many "Guest Blogs", Coach Nyki shares her belief that, "Everything is a Skill". 

This post has a ton of great information ideal for anyone looking to boost their performance in any realm of their life. It would definitely be beneficial to take the time to read this one, think about it, and finally, apply it to an area of your life. Cool?

Ready?! GO!

EVERYTHING IS A SKILL - by Nyki Helmcamp