Nyki Helmcamp


Coach Nyki Helmcamp has created Sigma Gymnastics - a fresh, new spin on the earliest form of strength training. This program provides 6 athletes the opportunity to take your training and body development to another level! Beginning in January 2015, Nyki will be opening Sigma Gymnastics right here at Travis County Strength.

What existed as the premiere form of strength training before all the iron and innovative products hit the scene was straight up bodyweight strength. To develop supreme bodyweight strength is to develop ultimate brawn and vitality, grip, stamina, tendon and joint strength, balance, coordination, inhuman discipline and grit as well as control.

Using Mother Nature’s perfect level of resistance, our own bodyweight, we will progressively apply principles to become stronger by manipulating positions and adjusting leverage points. There is no individual who is either too weak nor too strong to begin this program and that is the beauty. Where ever you are in your training there is progress to be made with this program!

You will find more details in the following weeks here, as well as on Coach Nyki Helmcamp's blog - www.thefitology.com

Get Ready to PLAY!

Everything is a Skill - by Nyki H

If you didn't already know, Travis County Strength - and specifically LIFT - has a relatively new face leading classes. Coach Nyki Helmcamp, has been an awesome addition to an already stellar team here at TCS, and we thought that it would be cool to have "Guest Blogs" from other coaches so that you get the chance to hear their voice and get a vibe on their styles.

In this first of many "Guest Blogs", Coach Nyki shares her belief that, "Everything is a Skill". 

This post has a ton of great information ideal for anyone looking to boost their performance in any realm of their life. It would definitely be beneficial to take the time to read this one, think about it, and finally, apply it to an area of your life. Cool?

Ready?! GO!

EVERYTHING IS A SKILL - by Nyki Helmcamp