

El Inferno.jpg

Saturday's El Inferno team competition was a huge success! Everyone had a blast while working through some tough workouts and hanging with friends and family. 

All of the teams did a great job, and before we post the final standings, I just wanted to say thank you to all of the athletes, spectators, judges, volunteers and sponsors. El Inferno would not have been the success it was without your involvement and support. 



1. Purple Hays
2. Team PRISManiac
3. GF3
4. Zilka Brothers
5. Axe/em
6. Chilly Dogs
7. Las Barbas
8. Team Greenbelt
9. Squirtle Squad
10. Papi Chulos


1. Hot to Squat
2. LIFT Bish
3. 2 Girls, 1 Comp
4. Hide Yo Kegs
5. Bianca/Kat
6. Team Lagaratha
7. Amy/Ashley
8. Naked/Famous
9. Divas & Tequila
10. Lethal Ladies



**We will run this as tight as possible. Don't be that person.**

  • 630-715am -- Athlete Check In
  • 700am -- Volunteers & Judges Meeting
  • 720am -- Athlete Briefing
  • 745-800am -- Warmup
  • 800am -- Workout 1 / Heat 1 -- GO TIME!


One member of each team will complete one of the following:

  • 1min Max Calorie Airdyne
  • 2min Max Calorie Row


  • Athletes will have one shot to earn as many calories as possible on their given task.
  • Team score will be the total calories earned by each member of the team.

WORKOUT#2 -- (7.5min Cap)

A) In 5 minutes, each team member will establish a 1-rep max of the following barbell complex:

  • 1 Ground-to-Overhead
  • 1 Front Squat
    • Athletes may go in any order, but once a weight has been loaded, it cannot be taken off. Weight can only increase during the 5min work period.

B) Once 5 minutes has elapsed, athletes will be given a 30 second transition period to ready themselves for the following:

  • 2 minute AMRAP of Dual Kettlebell Farmers Carry in alternating fashion.
    • M: Dual 72/F: Dual 53

WORKOUT#3 -- (10min Cap)

With a 10 minute running clock, athletes will complete the following AFAP:

  • 600m Loaded Run @ M:90/F:60
  • 60 Single-Arm Dumbbell Thrusters @ M:60/F:35
  • 40 Stone-over-Shoulder @ M:90/F:60
  • Teams will use the remaining time to accumulate as many strict pull-ups as possible. 


  • Athletes may switch the load as they see fit during the run.
  • Athletes may not contact the DB with the off hand during the thrusters.
  • Judges will signal a good rep at the top of each thruster. Only after this call can the DB be lowered back to the shoulder/front rack position.
  • Athletes must place the DB on the ground when performing a transition to their teammate. It cannot be dropped or handed off.
  • Athletes may complete the 40 SOS's in any fashion.
  • Athletes will be signaled by their judge when to pull ("UP"), and when the rep is completed at the top (sounding off the rep count). 
    • For example: "UP"....."ONE"....."UP"....."TWO".....
  • Athletes can work through their pull-ups in any fashion.

WORKOUT#4 -- (8min Cap)

Teams will work to accomplish the following AFAP:

  • 40 Trap Bar Deadlifts @ M:225/F:155
  • 40 Rope Jumps
  • 30 Trap Bar Deadlifts @ M:255/F:185
  • 30 Rope Jumps
  • 20 Trap Bar Deadlifts @ M:275/F:205
  • 20 Rope Jumps


  • Only one person works at a time.
  • Athletes may complete the reps in any fashion they wish, but one task must be completed before moving on to the next.
  • Athletes will be responsible for weight changes and fully securing the weight with clamps.
  • Athletes may not bounce or drop the weight while deadlifting. This will be at the discretion of your judge.


The top two M/F teams will face off to complete the following AFAP for the top spot:



What an awesome night!

If you were there as an athlete, spectator, judge or volunteer I know you will agree that Friday night's Heavy Metal Team Strongman Competition was badass! 

Unfortunately, strongman events are kept pretty exclusive due to the crazy minimum requirements that athletes must meet in order to "play". With Heavy Metal we wanted to open the doors to anyone that was willing to take on a new challenge - and we could not have be more pleased with the final results of the evening.

Teams took on 5 demanding workouts that focused solely on strongman movements and characteristics. At the end of the night, it's fair to say, that everyone - even the top-level strongmen that participated in the event - were SMOKED! 

Needless to say, the energy and effort that each athlete brought to the competition was a major factor in the event's success. It should also be said that without the judges, volunteer, spectators and our sponsors(Rogue American Apparel, Survival Tactical Systems, Disciples Of Iron, ONNIT, Fringe Sport, 24 Diner, Easy Tiger and Blithe Salon & Spa).......Heavy Metal would not have run so smooth or had such a positive outcome. It was truly a group effort and everyone deserves a huge THANK YOU for their part.

Here are the final standings:


1st - Brandlyn & Stacey
2nd - Natalie & Katie
3rd - Carrey & Bonnie
4th - Meghan & Taylor
5th - Michelle & Paige
6th - Genny & Allison


1st - Travis & David
2nd - Kevin & David
3rd - Josh & Andrew
4th - Dom & Andre
5th - Elliot & Elliot
6th - Tony & Jared

HEAVY METAL - Team Strongman Competition

January 30 2015


Travis County Strength 
5501 N. Lamar Blvd #113 
ATX 78751

6 teams of 2 males -- REGISTER HERE
6 teams of 2 females -- REGISTER HERE
*Only 1 Person from each team needs to register*

$50 per Team

Each member of the team should be familiar with the following equipment: YOKES, ATLAS STONES, LOGS, FARMERS CARRIES, KEGS, SANDBAGS, TIRES, AND SLEDS. 

Workouts will be released at noon the day of the competition.

Be Ready!